Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mission Beach

I'm so happy here at Mission Beach! The resort is very beautiful, settled amoungst the trees and right down onto the beach - be it the sandy one or the rocky one. It's a stunning setting for our time together.

It's been great to see people I haven't seen since last year, and meet new people. So nice to see faces I've only ever seen in America out in Australia. It feels like we are all in this adventure together a little more than last year, it's new to all of us really - non of us have been here before.

I've seen two sunrises since I've been here, I'll be seeing the sun rise every day now until we leave. No more sleep ins for me! They have been so clear and beautiful, the predawn light so soft and subtle. The picture below was taken whilst waiting for the sun to start peeking above the horizon for my shoot with Malcom. We met at 05.30 hrs and walked down to the beach, scrambled over some rocks then just sat and waited in the calm and still of the morning to begin our shoot. It was a lovely shoot, the waters not cold here ;) , and Malcom was great to work with. I'd not met him before but he was fantastic. I'll link to his work when I can.

I've also done a sunrise shoot this morning with Mr Alex. Infact I asked him to be ready for 05.20, I think he's still in shock! But up we got and off we went and had a really good shoot. I was quite a long way from Alex, out in the ocean, so we were using hand signals to communicate half the time. But the shots look good, teensy tiny Bink & lots of sky and sea and sunrise. Can't wait to see those when we are all back in the UK.
Working with the lovely Zoe Wiseman, rolling around in the warm ocean like I wouldn't ever dream of in the UK was awesome. Very relaxed and and peaceful, it was a lovely shoot, and catch up! We were lucky enough to see Wallabys on the beach too, which is quite rare. Apprantly, normally you know they have been there due to there paw prints but you don't often see them.

We've had lots of group activities. The group BBQ dinners, and the evening meal we had at Friends restaurant, 8x10 print swop night & even a yoga class led by Phil. Also last night was the start of the slideshows with 4 lovely models showcasing there work for us. Big thank you to them all! Was great to see other models work up there like that, very inspiring. It's such a calm, happy, creative group atmosphere. I don't know anything else like it - probably why it's one of my favourite weeks of the year.

Our visit to the Croc Farm was very interesting, and educational. Lots of good safety tips to avoid being eaten! But as fascinating as these huge dinosaur looking creatures were, I found myself constantly distracted by a swamp wallaby. It was very fluffy and cute looking & very unlike the others I had seen with it's dark fur and orange face.

&& for those that might be wondering, which I'm sure you all are, SunnyBunny is fine. Very happy little bunny indeed. She's got a fellow fluffy friend, thanks to Miss Joceline, that she hasn't seen since the Joshua Tree.

That's it for now, wifi here isn't good, I think the only reason I can do anything is cause no one else is really here right now. More posts as soon as I can, here's a couple more pictures though from here at Ozfest....

1 comment:

Dave Rudin said...

Glad you're having a good time, Binky, and Sunny Bunny, too. Please give my regards to Miss Joceline, Lord Ingram and fellow roomie Phabulous Phil, too.