Orange skies from Phil's front door
The journey up to Katoomba was uneventful. The orange clouds were so low I couldn't see much out the windows and with no cancellations or delays there was no drama. I can't complain at all. A decidedly on time, orange, dull journey. Here now though. The skies are white with cloud and rain, definately less apocalyptical then the burning orange a few hours ago.
I'm here for 2 nights, so tomorrow will be my main sightseeing time. I have every intention of doing a lot of walking whilst I'm here. Hopeing the clouds will part a wee bit and the breeze continues. Come rain or shine I will be out and about more tomorrow though!
I'm finding Hotel Gearin very pleasant. Despite being a little rough around the edges it's really rather nice in it's own way. It's still being renovated but it's art deco style is very pretty! I've settled myself in at the back bar for some lunch, all the walls are clad in reddish wooden panels and theres beautiful brass pipes and taps. It's all very cosy and welcoming. When i enquire about the rum situation I am offered a free glass of Bundaberg Red to decide if I like it. It's very nice. this place is very welcoming. Now I'm finding myself testing coctails for the barman....yum!
Upstairs, my rooms the door on the right...
Back Bar
So earlier I decided to play around with my little point and click camera, just for the fun of it. I'm not having any one else here to take my picture so I'm doing it by myself - just not as well as others can do it ;)
Ooooh me likey the orange skies... very "special" as G would say!!
I'm loving the photos so far - even the point n click nude self portrait - so sweet! :-)
Keep em coming!
Nikki xxxx
lol yes orange skies were very special!
It's weird not having my picture taken so I have started doing it for myself.... :P
I'm too tired to do another one yet, maybe later! I've done so much walking my legs might fall off!
Regards and ola's to my two roomies. Have fun.
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